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energy update

what is going on in the energy field ~ a perspective

energy update

It's been a while since the last update. Proof, if you needed it, that I am not exempt from turbulences - and whatnot - in the energy field.

August has been an interesting month for sure. Lots of upheaval and things being stirred up. Too much to go into detail here, or even a summary. I don't actively remember most of it, in any case.

So just know that if your life has been particularly challenging over the past four weeks? You are not alone, and it's not your fault, either. You are part of the whole, part of everything-that-is-moving. And as it moves around you, so do you.

Or not, which is then the point where things will get harder, tougher, and more challening. Think about it. If everything moves and you don't - what happens?

Resisting the movement will only increase hardship, pain, and suffering.

So if things have been unbearable / challenging / tough on you? Ask yourself where you are holding on. Where is the attachment? And can you soften it, if only a little bit? You might not be ready to fully let go, to go all in. And that's fine!

Yet maybe you can soften a little bit? Allow change a little bit?

Because I cannot sense things getting any easier from here on out.

Because my sense of the energy field, right now, at this point ~ is of a vast opening. A space has opened that was not there before. A space in the fundamental construct of our reality. Only the frame is left, at this point ~ all the intricate little cogs and wires have been unravelled, have been removed.

Heartfelt gratitude to the Anu. This is how we can unravel what is to make way for what comes without everything exploding.

But. That open space, that expansion is not a soft one. Oh, no, not at this point. Something fundamental has been removed, the energy realigned ~ and as in the energy field, so in you and me.

There is a space that was not there before, a silence that used to be filled with noise ~ and in that space, that silence things will rise that we ... repressed, refused to look at; forgot.

In that space, in that silence, our inner shadow will become more visible. The old identies and constructs, limiting beliefs and traumas.

For many of my clients, the inner child has come forwards.

And this, to my sense, is what is happening: that space is now confronting us with the Hard Shit. The uncomfortable parts of our Self. The things we didn't want to look at.

The pain. The fear. The desolation. The desparation. The shame. The grief. The disappointment.

This new opening is not gentle. And in that, it is kind. It offers the space, the silence, for each one of us to really look inside, to go even deeper than before ~ and work with what we find.

And work with what we find we must. I cannot feel we will be given any other choice. Not if we are genuine and committed in walking the spiritual path, in following our soul, in realising our authentic self ~ in ascending.

This is not the point where you make the decision. That point is long past. This is the point where you are asked to step up.

This may sound harsh. Maybe it is. Maybe it needs to be to convey the pressure, the sense of urgency I'm sensing when tuning into that new expansion.

Do it. Do it now. Now is the time.

Refine your spiritual practise. Is it still working for you? Does it require adjustment?

Can you do a little more of it? Not heaps, not hours. Just a little.

Meditate for five minutes longer. Sit down twice a day. Meditate in the mornings, practice deep-consciouness bodymovement in the evenings.

Focus on all the ways you can connect to yourself, to the feeling-sense of Soul. Settle in that feeling-sense as much as possible; ground yourself in it, in yoourself.

From that settled, grounded place it becomes much easier to be with what is being stirred up, to work with what is presenting.

Ground yourself so that you cannot lose yourself.

And if you'd like some more practical tips and ideas on how to cope that are tailored to you, get in touch. ❤️

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